Forms, Posters, Downloads

We invite you to read this handbook to become familiar with the Killala Diocesan Policy for Child Safeguarding.

Appendix of Forms: Guide of Reference (you can find these forms in the link on Child Safeguarding Parish handbook)

  1. Form SG-01: Application form for work in church-related activities (page 64)
  2. Form SG-02: Declaration of workers in church-related activities (page 67)
  3. Form SG-03: Safeguarding agreement form (page 68)
  4. Form SG-04: Child & parental/guardian joint consent form (page 69)
  5. Form SG-05: Accidents/incidents form (page 71)
  6. Form SG-06: Hazard assessment form (page 73)
  7. Form SG-07: External groups using church property form (page 74)
  8. Form SG-08: General complaints form (page 76)
  9. Form SG-09: Child protection referral form (page 77)
  10. Vetting Invitation form, Vetting Application Form (page 56-61)